
How Long Can You Keep Fresh Hamburger In The Freezer

Y'all want to extend the shelf life of footing beefiness, but still maintain its taste and quality. So, how long can you freeze ground beef?

It's always helpful to have an extra pound of ground beef on hand for quick dinners, like hamburgers, tacos or this spaghetti skillet. But you tin but keep basis beefiness in the refrigerator for one or two days, and then it needs to be tucked away in the freezer for later on.

Best Way to Freeze Ground Beef

There are two important things to call back nearly ground beef: storing it at the correct temperature and timeliness. If you stock up on basis beef while grocery shopping, go habitation immediately afterwards. You'll desire to keep the meat at 40° F or below for safety. This will slow the growth of bacteria, like E. coli, and assist maintain the freshness of your meat.

If you programme on using the meat ASAP, keep it in the store-bought packaging. Notwithstanding, if you plan on storing it away for longer, portion out the footing beefiness as needed and wrapping each piece in heavy-duty plastic wrap, freezer paper, aluminum foil or plastic freezer numberless.

How Long Can Y'all Freeze Ground Beef?

Technically, ground beefiness can stay frozen indefinitely, merely you'll be sacrificing quality every bit time passes. Your frozen ground beef is best used within 4 months.

Nosotros recommend marking the date on each portion of basis beef. This volition aid you go on an eye on storage times and use meat that's been frozen longest showtime.

How to Defrost Ground Beefiness

You're preparing to make your famous spaghetti and meatballs tonight for dinner. Of grade, you'll need a couple pounds of your frozen ground beefiness!

The safest way to defrost frozen ground beef is in the refrigerator. Keeping the meat cold while allowing it to defrost keeps harmful bacteria from growing and spreading before cooking begins. It's important to notation that this method could take up to a twenty-four hours or more than, then plan alee if possible.

Should you demand to defrost the meat quicker, y'all can use the microwave or a bowl of cold h2o. When using the microwave, make certain to cook the meat immediately after it'southward fix, considering some parts may have starting cooking during the defrosting process. If using cold h2o, place the meat in an airtight bag and submerge in the bowl of common cold h2o. Then, change the water every thirty minutes until it's thawed and cook immediately afterward.

You may notice that some parts of the basis beefiness have turned grayness after freezing—but that meat is safe to eat.

Keep an Heart on the Danger Zone

The "Danger Zone" refers to temperatures between twoscore° and 140° F. Harmful bacteria multiply quickly within the Danger Zone, then information technology's important to never leave ground beefiness at room temperature for longer than 2 hours. This is an essential tip to know when freezing food.

Our Best Ground Beef Recipes


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